mr. shi liang, president of yangxiang co., ltd., won the-龙8官网app下载地址

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mr. shi liang, president of yangxiang co., ltd., won the
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recently, the guangxi association of science and technology, guangxi department of science and technology and other departments jointly issued the "decision on the recognition of the first guangxi innovation prize winners" document, yang xiang shares president mr. shi liang won the "first guangxi innovation prize"


this year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of guangxi zhuang autonomous region. thanks to the efforts of people from all walks of life, guangxi has achieved rapid development.

the award aims to commend scientific and technological workers who have worked hard to write a new chapter in the new era of guangxi, actively participated in the initiative of innovation and the strategy of strengthening guangxi industry and guangxi.

mr. shi liang has been working in the agriculture and animal husbandry industry for more than 20 years, promoting the innovation of industrial science and technology, the research and development, application and promotion of new technology, and leading the company to help farmers and raisers increase their income, making outstanding contributions to the development of guangxi animal husbandry.


since joining yangxiang in 1995, mr. shi liang has been living and breathing with the company for "twenty years as one day". he led the technical team and combined with the scientific research strength of universities to research the suckling pig feed and teaching trough feed with outstanding anti-diarrhea function, and took the lead in reforming and producing expanded pig feed in china, which created a new pattern of feed industry products.

in addition, yang xiang swine industry since 2005, mr shiliang and it has led the company is committed to "pig" science and technology, after more than eight years of practice and exploration, summarized a set of scientific methods of raising pigs, do the cost of farming industry leading, at the same time improve the company's service ability of pig, the professional ability of pig exporting to the broad masses of farmers.


in recent years, in the process of development and growth, yangxiang adheres to the business philosophy of "exist in the society, return to the society". on the one hand, yangxiang helps farmers to get rid of poverty through breeding; on the other hand, yangxiang actively participates in social welfare undertakings, no matter flood relief, military support and superior family members, poverty alleviation and assistance, yangxiang actively participates in and spares no effort.

more than 20 years, mr. shi liang and yang xiang together; over the past 20 years, yangxiang has been keeping pace with the livestock industry. we believe that with the efforts of many "pioneers", the future of the industry is worth looking forward to!

guangxi yangxiang co., ltd

address:jiangnan industrial park, gangnan district, guigang city, guangxi


the official weibo:guangxi yangxiang co., ltd

website wechat:yangxiangyangzhu

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